The point of a samurai sword is called a Kissaki. This is the hardest part of the sword to polish and forge and to hand create a quality one would require an extremely skilful artisan. The value of a sword is determined largely by the quality of the point.
Medieval Swords
The swords of medieval Europe (approximately 500 to 1500 AD) evolved from steel Celtic swords, which in turn arose from a tradition of straight, double-edged swords which began with bronze swords as early as 1,500 BC. At the opening of the Middle Ages these swords tended to have blades just under a yard in length with a grip designed to accommodate a single hand; the other hand being concerned with the grip of a shield. Essentially all of the earliest medieval swords and many throughout the period were designed to cut, having surprisingly thin blades, especially towards the tip, which was often rounded. By the close of the Middle Ages, swords increasingly are stouter and more sharply pointed, being optimized for the thrust, the cut having been rendered less effective by improvements in armour. Similarly, with these armour improvements, the shield became redundant and swords with hilts effectively accommodating both hands make their appearance and grow in popularity.

Description of Medieval Shields
Medieval Shields were developed to shield, or protect, a knight or soldier from the direct blows from the weapons of their enemies. Shields used during the Middle Ages were also used as bludgeoning weapons. The use of the shield as an actual weapon was practised by knights at the Pell. Pell training demanded hours of practise to increase skills, strength and agility in relation to Medieval swords and shields. Medieval shields were decorated with symbols which were used as a means to recognise the knight, both at tournaments and on the battlefield. This form of recognition was necessary as a Medieval Knights armor included a visor which covered the face of the knight. The decoration on a shield, or shield symbols, allowed knights to be easily recognised.

Samurai Armor
The Japanese suit of armor was only worn by the shogun, highest military class, samurai and emperors. Japanese samurai armor and samurai swords are both powerful, unique works of art made by craftsmen of the highest skill level. Each suit of Japanese armor (Kikou), Japanese Helmet (Kabuto) and Japanese Sword (Katana) truly has a soul or chi as well as a personality all of its own. These stunning works of Japanese art are made strictly in the authentic and traditional manner - all by hand and all by highly skilled craftsmen.

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